keeping You Close

Alice supports you to break your fall
with constant tracking of mind and body

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Road to Recovery in your hand

Alice is a social app that keeps close, quantified track of personal progress for those who are recovering from drug or alchohol addictions.
This often isolated segment of society is what Alice is aiming to help - with features such as an addiction program, a location based emergency contact list, and rewarding system.

Good Together

Alice provides an environment for you to socialise with new people through physical and emotional events.
Join the conversation! Share your stories with others, and listen to theirs.

Privacy First

Online platform feature makes it easier for you to stay anonymous. Alice ensures that none of your personal details are shared with the rest of the world.

Stay Connected

You can access Alice anywhere, anytime on your choice of a device. Track your activities, progress, rewards within your palm.
google play

Know someone who needs Alice?

Sharing is caring!